12 Feb 2020

Quest ReQuest: Knife Quest I & II

Huzzah, another Quest ReQuest!

This time I played quests made by a friend! Yes, I am being weirdly vague about who that friend might be, nobody shall ever identify this Finnish stranger!

Anyway, I made videos covering Knife Quest, Knife Quest 2 and a little addendum to Knife Quest featuring the hidden treasure!

Please do enjoy, I had fun playing a quest not made by myself for once!

8 Feb 2020

Quest ReQuest: Honeymoon Quest

Here we are again, with another Quest ReQuest! I've been pumping these out like crazy!!

The sequel to QuestQuestQuestQuestQuestQuest is here!

I will copy the description from YT!
This quest covers the honeymoon of Lumiluxissime and Denarius Athros! Will their love prevail, or was this pairing never meant to be?

The audio should be MUCH better for this video! I realize it's far from perfect, but I am just working with the equipment I have, which is to say I used adhesive tape to tape a microphone onto my headset because the headset's built-in microphone doesn't work... Sensible, yes!!

Anyway, this video is LONG!! It's very long! It covers the whole quest though, so enjoy at your own leisure! The quest is divided pretty clearly into segments which are signified by Denarius and Lumiluxissime warping, so those are good places to take a break.

The recording cuts off at the end! This happens because the flash player crashed when examining the quest after the outro! I didn't record anything after that, of course, and I'd just meant to keep summarizing and give my final thoughts on the quest.

So, overall? I'm reasonably happy! It's rather innuendo-laden and some conversations go on much too long or are strangely written and as such don't clearly convey my intent when writing the dialogue (seriously even I dunno what some lines are meant to be saying), but I do overall enjoy the pairing of Denarius and Lumiluxissime, as well as Denarius getting a bit more reserved and serious in the end. I don't like the gag where Denarius confuses people's genders though, that didn't really contribute valuable anything to the quest!

Silly as it is, writing these overtly homoerotic quests was an outlet for me at the time, so having Denarius go at Poole for how cliche'd she is and how she never even bothered to consider maybe Lumiluxissime prefers men and whatnot was me injecting a part of myself into this quest... We do always end up putting more of ourselves in our projects than we might think, don't we?

Well, anyway, I hope you can enjoy this! I'll see what quest I'll do next, and when!

1 Feb 2020

Quest ReQuest: QuestQuestQuestQuestQuestQuest

Here we are again, with another Quest ReQuest! I've been pumping these out like crazy!!

The next one is LIVE COMMENTARY instead! I think I covered all I'd have wanted to say here, so that's good! This is much easier for me to do, so I'll definitely keep this format going! Only problem is I only want to do these when I'm home alone, so I can't really put these out consistently.

I should mention there are some audio issues! The audio is very quiet, so you'll need to turn up the volume. The voice audio is also rather drowned out by the game audio! The voice audio gets better at 14:50 though, so from that point on it should be good!

I'll go over Honeymoon Quest next, featuring the honeymoon of Lumiluxissime and Denarius! Very cute, no doubt! I'll try to get better audio for that one!